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Fat Bike Jam, Trumbull T.R.A.C.K. Oct 10th

Fat Bike Jam flier

On Saturday October 10th at Trumbull T.R.A.C.K. as part of the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest, we’ll be having a Fat Bike Jam!! The Fat Bike Jam is family friendly competition that test the riders basic Fat Bike skills. The competitions are based on core fundamental bike that most riders should know. We’ll be doing bunny hop, high jump, long jump, longest skid, longest wheelie and best style. There will also be a Bike Relay and some multi lap races that are open for all bike types.

We’ve separated the age groups into 6-9year year olds, 10-14, 15-29 and 30&over. The age groups are also separated by gender (Male and Female)

Registration starts at 9am and the competitions will begin at 11am.

There will also be a Bike Swap happening the same day so if you have any bikes or bike parts that you want to sell bring them to the event!

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