
4th Annual SCBF, Trumbull T.R.A.C.K BMX (PHOTOS)

To wrap up an awesome 2016 SCBF Summer Season we took it back to where it all began, Trumbull T.R.A.C.K. in Connecticut for the 4th Annual Sugar Cayne Bike Fest. A lot of awesome changes happened at the track since the last time we were there. 2 pump tracks and a band new 8 pack jump line were installed all done by Evan Eisenhard. Trumbull BMX literally went from just a BMX Racing track to basically a Bike Park within a year!

With the addition of the new jump line we added a new “Best Trail Style” competition to the event. This marks the first time we ever did a dirt jump type of competition at the SCBF and it was really cool!

We did the individual time trail competition on the big pumptrack. This also marks the first time that we held competitions on a pump track, BMX Track and Dirt Jump line all at the same event.

There’s so much more to talk about but We have videos from the event to edit but we think Crazy Al Cayne summed it up nice on his Facebook page:

Check out the gallery below, videos coming soon!

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