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The Pioneers Of The First Ever Cyclocross Meets BMX Race At #SCBF

Sugar Cayne Bike Fest, cyclocross

Sugar Cayne Bike Fest, cyclocross
This is a picture of the first riders to ever do the Sugar Cayne Bike Fest’s “Cyclocross Meets BMX” Race! The race format for this event was 10 laps around Trumbull BMX track but we had to reduce it to 9 because we changed the finish line midway through the race. Riders are to dismount when they got to staging for each round. The event was open to all off road cyclist; Cyclocross, BMX, MTB, trial etc, any size. We’re hoping to get more riders from the Cyclocross community to enter the race in 2014 it was a challenge and lots of fun! We also had a Cyclocross Jr’s class which went for 5 laps. Check out the highlight video to see them in action

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